10% down and 10% a month

Does that sound like a rent to own sales agreement?  So much down and so much for a period of time until the goods you purchased are paid for.  This brings me to a touchy subject TITHING.

I have never been very good at it. For one thing, when you are poor, as I have been most of my life, I felt I could not spare any money for the offering plate.  I had an electric cut off notice, four children with overdue lunch bills, a broken lawn mower with neighbors complaining about my yard, a blind husband who had anger management issues, and the list went on. Battling a lifetime of depression didn't make the picture any rosier.  I could excuse myself because 2  Corinthians 9:6-7 says

whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

I was not a cheerful giver, therefore God did not want my money. Did you notice how I managed to totally ignore the first part of that verse?

The OT in Deuteronomy 2:12 gives specific instruction on how tithe is to be paid. Each year, 10% (actually twice a year it was collected) and the third year the 10% was for the poor, widows and orphans. But that was a rule for the Olden Days. With Jesus came the New Law.  So am I off the hook?

Matthew 6:21 states "for where your treasure is there your heart will be also."  So if you love God the most, then isn't that where you put your treasure? Over half of Jesus" parables deal with money. I think everyone knows the story of the widows mite, which is roughly the equivalent of half a penny.

So is tithing mandatory? Well, it technically is not on the list of the Big Ten. We are saved by faith, not by works, right? If you value money more than your relationship with God, then did those green papers suddenly become an idol? Cause that one does make the Big 10 Hit Parade, as in Number TWO. Pretty high up.

I wasn't worshiping money was I? I was struggling to keep my head above water. And I did give money to causes from time to time. Couldn't that be counted as tithe, even though it wasn't to my church?

Here is where things get a little lengthy. I have been reading a lot of views on this. No, helping the poor is not a substitute for tithing. You see, God doesn't need your money. If God needed it he could take it. We give because we are to leverage our lives for the building of the kingdom. Not just money, but time, talents and relationships.

Abraham tithed, taking it to the high priest. But the Bible specifically states he GAVE his tithe, not that he PAID it. It was a freewill gift of honor. A tithe is a gift we give God because it brings us into a closer relationship with Him.

 Suppose I gave my tithe money to a homeless person. Here is an interesting comparison by Pastor Bankie.

If I were going to give some dear friends a wedding gift, but I gave their gift away to a needy person, would I attend the wedding without a gift? No, I would still provide a wedding gift.  Your tithe is a gift to God, and if you use that money to help another person you still owe your tithe to God.

I consulted another expert, 11 year old Jake. I read him what I had written so far and asked his opinion on tithing. He said, "Well, you Should, but if you can't you should give Something." I told you he was an expert.

Another pastor, writing an article for the magazine Relevant was asked a similar question about giving her tithe to charity. He pointed out that when you are giving money to God, it isn't like tipping. That you should be supporting the missions and programs your church sponsors.

As I was writing this I recalled my first line. 10% down and 10% a month until the merchandised is paid. We don't have to do that because Jesus paid 100% and we could never pay that debt off.

I am trying to do better with tithing. I work part time and I make a tiny amount of money, so 10% of not much is less than not much. It doesn't seem so hard.  The rest of what I make is gifted because I am fortunate enough I don't need money.

I think this is something that each person needs to search their heart about and pray about. I know we all struggle with many aspects of trying to do the right thing: this is one I have struggled with. If there are things you struggle with I would like to hear about it.

Prayers to all those affected by Hurricane Florence, the large number of people on my prayer list, little Bjorn, friend Kenny C in the loss of his brother, and many others. Please remember me  in your daily prayers also.


  1. <3 Your posts are encouraging and (I think) take a great deal of bravery and self-reflection. Just thankful for your insights. So cool that your encouraging includes the Lord loving a cheerful giver.

    I remember growing up hearing tossed around of tithing 10 percent of your increase, which includes of course every new moment you have to live.

    While I apply these concepts to tithing monetarily as a mother of youngsters I've been convicted a bit lately about not being such a cheerful giver of my time. For instance when I find myself grumbling about the fifth stinky diaper in one day.

    Now since the Bible also says in Colossians 3:23-24 "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." So I've just been convicted lately that if I'm to do EVERYTHING as unto the Lord, and he desires a cheerful giver, I need to be working on my attitude in especially the daily mundane activities of raising my family.

    I also totally skipped over the first part of that verse in second Corinthians, and as time is ALWAYS my biggest complaint of what I don't have enough of. Reflecting on it just amazes me how time has always seemed to stretch to be bountiful when I've made an effort to seek out the Lord and his will in my days and for my time.

    Anyway, thank you for the great thoughts and reflections. :) <3


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