
Two blogs in one day. A bit much isn't it? I was laying in bed last night thinking about this quite a bit.
You know how nights are, your mind can go to dark places, old hurts.

When I was a preschooler the show American Bandstand was on TV on Saturday mornings. I would emulate my teenage aunts and dance those dances with the strange names Frug?

A relative laughed at me and said I couldn't dance. It wounded me. I never danced again. Junior High dances were an agony and by High School I never went again. And the age of Disco? Well I was hot in my red Disco dress, but it never went to the dance floor.

I love to sing. Loudly if I know all the words. I think that might be why Dawn moved to a different pew, behind me instead of right in front. My first husband asked me not to sing with the radio. He said it sounded like cats in heat.

I quit singing. Everytime I wanted to sing, I remembered that remark.

Joy was sucked from me. The happiness of dancing, of singing were ripped from me.

Joysuckers. Monsters who attack you and make you insecure. They come in other forms. People in your life who are so unhappy that a black cloud follows them and they keep covering you with their cloud. They are so unhappy that the only pleasure they have is making people around them miserable.

Anything that steals your joy is a monster. The one thing we can hold onto is our joy in the Lord. Joy Unspeakable (want me to sing that for you?)
Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is ... Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: ...1. Peter 1:18

There are 214 uses of Joy in the Bible and yes, I did Google that. I have a happy life now. My husband and I dance - the geriatric version of Uptown Funk. I sing, loudly. at home, in the car and in church. My husband sings too. Maybe we sound like TWO cats in heat but we don't care. Because we have JOY. 

My aunt has a beagle, she got her near Christmas and named her Joy. I call her Joy in My Heart and I sing to her. Good thing she has long ears.

I will be praying for you, my friends and hope you are praying for me.


  1. I think Joysuckers are people who are damaged in some way. I've learned to have compassion for them while also setting boundaries. To give an analogy: Snakes are God's creation, serve a purpose, and can be fascinating to watch--but I don't want them in my house.


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