A mentally ill Christian - is it possible? A Happy New Year thought. Christian Life

Christian Living in Today's World Christian Life with Mental Illness I was talking to my husband yesterday about Christianity and mental illness. I bless my husband who recognized my suffering and insisted I get help. But how can an untreated person be a Christian when they cannot control themselves? Since he has witnessed my meltdowns when I get off my medications. Ken felt he did not have the answer. What happens, after about three days without medication I am appalled to hear the things that come from my mouth. I can hear them but I cannot stop them. Indeed it is if a demon has entered. I say cruel and critical things, everything is very negative. I also cry a lot because I say the most negative and hurtful things to myself. I am a total failure at life, a bad mother, too stupid to even bake a loaf of bread. Nothing good has ever happened to me in my whole life. I should just ram this car into a bridge abutment. Why ...