Paul Harvey and the rest of the story

Don't you hate when people make a reference to something in their life and you aren't"in on it". You have no idea what they are going through or what kind of emojii might be called for. So this will be the full story, the rest of the story.

As I was thinking about writing this, I had the urge to be vague. After all, so many times the truth can show us in an ugly light. I want everyone to think I am sweet and nice all the time. Well, I am not.  So while this story doesn't reflect well on me, it reflects the wisdom and power of our God.

My family has been dealing with a problem and the problem is another family member. My brother has been dealing with multiple health issues and has not been able to work in quite a long time.

 I am 13years older than my brother and happily retired but for the last two years I have worked at various parts time jobs to pay his monthly condo fees. A condo my aunt purchased for him. Some of the jobs were hard, lifting furniture, carrying boxes. Some were easier, scrubbing toilets and vacuuming. I had lovely employers and great co-workers that were blessings to me.

My aunt provided a vehicle and insurance, our cousin kept him in clothes and shoes and the occasional fast food trip. After nearly two years we are all tapped out financially and emotionally. I can't carry a vacuum up and down stairs anymore.  I have developed my own health issues. We prayed for his June Social Security hearing. He was denied.

I begged my husband numerous times to allow me to take money out of the bank and pay his fees for six months or a year. I pointed out 1 John 3:17. The gist of it is that it is wrong to be comfortable and watch your brother struggle. My husband pointed out that he did not marry me to support my whole family.

Please don't think ill of my husband who is a most kind and generous man.  He has taken care of me and my younger children over and above, paid for my mother's funeral and loves me almost as much as football and Harley Davidson.

My prayers needed to change. I needed a miracle. A long lost rich relative. So I turned it over to God. Briefly. Remember when God promises Abraham off spring? Abraham knows Sarah is too old, so he takes matters, and Haggar into his own hands. Trust.

Well, I couldn't just leave it where it belonged.  Maybe I could sneak the money out of the bank...but the problem with that is that my husband and I love and trust each other. I don't want to do anything to harm our marriage.

So I called up my pastor. I was sure he would agree with me, maybe have a word with the husband. He had the answer instantly. "Honor your husband."

What! Are you kidding me? Maybe our church is just a little bit too southern in it's it's thinking.

My husband had brought up a suggestion several times. We would all roll our eyes and change the subject. It was totally ridiculous and would never work.

I'm going to digress here for a short family biography. My brother and I do not share a father. I have HATED his for many years....59 minus 13, you do the math. He was married to my mother for just over one miserable year of my life, but divorce doesn't always clean things up. I used to say if he was on fire I would go look for the kerosene.

I know hate is a sin. I have prayed about this for a hundred years. Everytime I would think I was over it, someone would mention him and I would feel this huge internal rage, and find myself grinding my teeth.

My husband's bright idea was to visit with my sweet little brothers sociopath father. As If! My husband can be quietly and doggedly determined.

By this time, I really had released the burden to God. I had no more ideas, not much hope. What if God's will was one I didn't like? What if homelessness was God's answer?

God used the people around me to make a miracle happen. My husband and aunt talked to my brothers father. He came cash in hand to pay my brothers back fees with the promise to keep helping until he can get disability.

The weird thing was, once I laid eyes on him I no longer saw a monster. Just some sick old man. My rage evaporated. The burden of 46 years erased. You see, God's plan wasn't just a financial rescue for my brother, but a wonderful gift to me.

He was the last person in the universe I would have expected help from to help me let go of hate. As one lady at church told me, "If God can use a talking mule he can use anyone."

I hope I have learned a lesson and will stop playing tug of war with my problems, but I am a mere human and it appears an especially slow learner.



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