Queen of the Tarot

 In Junior High I developed an interest in the occult. I think many children show a passing interest in this kind of "magic" and then move on to other things.

I studied numerology. I had a pamphlet from some teen magazine, maybe Seventeen magazine. I read 16, Tiger Beat, all those, hoping for articles on Bobby Sherman - oh, those blue eyes. Reducing my name to one digit on their very scientific formula A=1 etc. I was a two. I am sure whatever description given for a two I met completely.

Then I found an old Ouija board in the utility room. My friends and I all gathered around the coffee table. That would be the same table I had already accidentally set on fire playing with candles and bubbled the varnish off of. We asked the typical pre-teen questions. Does John, Jeff, Mike, Donny Osmond love me?

Then I started asking the Ouija board questions about itself. "Who are you?" I would demand over and over and the plaquette would swirl around rapidly on the board never answering. Being the patient person that I am, I screamed "Are you the Devil?" The plaquettte moved to YES.  My friends all left, terrified. I marched that board right out to the garbage can. The next day after school I 
came home to find it back on the top shelf in the utility room. How had it done that? The Devils powers! More than likely my mother had spotted it in the garbage, wondered why it was there and taken it in and put it away, but that was not the solution I thought of.

When I was older and working in Charleston at the S. Spencer Moore Bookstore I bought a set of Tarot cards at the News Stand over in the Arcade. I also bought books on how to grow pot, but that is a different story. I worked with the cards over the years and was known for my accuracy.

I would argue with God. Why would he give me a gift and forbid me to use it? I would say we argued but I think you know what that means. I argued and God kept pointing out his stance in Chronicles, in Leviticus, in Samuel. He was pretty specific with both Moses and Saul on the issue. Why would I try to claim an exemption from a law going back thousands of years.?

Eventually I was led to understand that I have a gift. A valuable gift. My conscious and subconscious are trained to work together to gather information about people and see a lot about their past and possible future based on what I see and sense. The tarot cards were merely allowing me to focus on the person and had nothing to do with magic.

I can pray and God will help me use the gift - given by HIM to understand others, to empathize and to be a help.

I sinned for many years practicing silly "magic" and wasting a fine gift of discernment. Now my job is to develop that gift for Gods glory and to help others.

Believe me, it is much harder than dealing picture cards.


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