Obedience is something I have always had trouble dealing with. Any older person in my family, although not so many are left - could tell tales of my childhood. I would sneak out in the "woods" behind our house, refuse to tie my shoes, talk back, and strain against the discipline of 30 minutes of timed piano practice. Even as a toddler I threw huge screaming temper tantrums

     The older I got the more of an attitude of MAKE ME! I got. When told to do the dishes I would do half the job, hiding the worst ones in the bottom of the garbage. I was halfway obedient.

     Even joining the military was an act of defiance against the universe which I was sure was against me.  Maybe part of the reason I have failed marriages is because when someone told me "you can't" or "you shouldn't" I would immediately do that thing, very vocally.

     During my first marriage we struggled with money management as many young couples do. I had saved and saved to buy a piano. I had $500 saved and I began shopping for one I could afford. Sadly, the only one at that price was an upright grand, huge and heavy and not in the best shape. My husband at that time convinced me that it was a wasteful purchase and I should be applying that savings to a bill. I reluctantly agreed. 

Several days later, he came home with a new topper on his truck. What is this? Bought on credit? How much? I was furious and the next day I called and arranged to have the piano delivered. When he came in the door from work, there was the massive musical beast.  "What is this?" he asked. I replied. "I am not sure but it looks like a piano to me." It became the basis for many arguments. He, being a former drummer informed me I did not play well and could not keep time. I pointed out he was just a high school drummer and didn't even have a set of drums. I always like to get the last word in too. 

Saul was appointed King by God. God didn't really want to appoint a king because he was King of Kings and was the leader of his people but they just kept clamoring for a king because everyone else had one. 
Saul started out ambitiously but after a while he forgot he was just a regular guy, a servant of God and he got above himself. God gave Saul a task with some pretty detailed directions. He assured him that He would be with him and the task would be successful.

Saul was to kill all the Amalekites including the King. Kill the men, the women the children the infants and even all the critters. He was not to leave anything alive. I was talking earlier about being halfway obedient - doing part of the dishes.  Saul was also only half way obedient. He took the King Agog as a war prisoner and kept the finest of the flocks and herds. 

He KNEW he had messed up so he took some of the forbidden gains and offered a sacrifice.  Samuel, his mentor was furious and grieved.  Samuel personally killed King Agog. He told Saul that while God enjoys receiving sacrifices he values obedience even more.  At this point Samuel washes his hands of Saul, goes home to grieve and never sees Saul again.

God values our obedience to him. It is more important than regretful confessions, begging for forgiveness and often empty promises to do better in the future.

I do not know why I was born with a disobedient nature. I do know that by allowing God to nurture me, he will help me be more obedient to him. No guarantees to the rest of you!


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