Bank Robbery Part 1 of 2

I .have four children. The second one was a little more...well, just a little more than the others. We went through a lying stage (I'll save that for another time) a fist fighting stage and a shoplifting stage.

It started out harmlessly enough. We had been at the K-marx (as my beloved Pauline called it) and when we got in the car he had a few stickers that he did not have before we went into the store. It turns out the package was already opened and so he helped himself to a few. I explained that even though the package was open, and some were already missing, that since we didn't pay for it, they did not belong to us. I thought we were good.

A bit later we were out and about and I needed to stop by the bank. They were having a promotion 'Your Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow' with a kettle of rocks spray painted gold.

I did my bank business and put my small boys back in the car and they buckled up. This was the days before they had to ride in car seats til age 21 or 210 pounds. Just as I get ready to start the car number ONE son rats out younger brother. 

"Mom, he stole the banks gold" Sure enough his tiny little pants pockets were stuffed full of "gold". I knew what I had to do. I led the boys back into the bank and told the receptionist what had happened.

Bless that woman, she deserved an Academy Award. She was surprised, then shocked, then angry. She told him how people who steal from the bank go to jail. She picked up the phone to call the police. (She was so good I was getting scared)!

Tears rolled down his little chubby cheeks. Ms. Banker  finally relented and told him if he would put the gold back she would not have him arrested THIS TIME.

I thought he had learned his lesson for sure! Several weeks later I made a quick stop at the store on our way to the nursing home to visit my Gigi. As we are heading down the highway I see...someone eating an unpurchased candy bar. We were well down the highway, too late to go back. I fussed and fumed. Finally I told him,
"I don't know what else to do. You are going to have an appointment with Pastor Thompson and have a talk with him."

Oh, how he cried and begged and promised. Remember that in a child's eyes the minister is equated with God himself. I called Bill and he agreed to meet with us between Sunday School and church on the next Sabbath.

My poor son looked as if he were being led to the guillotine, pale, weepy. There is nothing more pitiful than a four year old literally shaking in their shoes.

Rev. Thompson was very kind. He explained that Jesus wouldn't like him to take things that weren't his. He had a prayer with him to help him remember not to do it anymore because it makes Jesus so sad. 

That was the end of the shoplifting phase. Don't worry, my son's spirit was not crushed. He could always find a new phase to grow into!

At last, the point of this. We all sin. Sometimes, maybe often, we repeat that same sin over an over. We say we are sorry, maybe we even intend at that moment not to do it again.

Sometimes our sins have earthly repercussions. Our feelings of guilt, the impact on those around us, maybe having to pay a fine or possibly even serve time in jail or prison.

Someday though, there will be a reckoning. You will shake in fear as you meet the Master and are judged. You will be shown your actions.

I can come up with probably half a dozen verses that support this but I will leave you with just a few short ones.

But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.  Matthew 12:36

You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister[a? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. Romans 14:10

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10

I can tell you on that day, I will be as frightened as my child was. I pray every day to try to do better and to be forgiven of everything I did wrong. Since I, like everyone, am imperfect I need to spend a lot of time in prayer.

Please, prayer warriors remember Sarah, a much beloved daughter, wife and mother who had brain tumor surgery yesterday, My friends brother Carl, who is undergoing cancer treatment, and my cousin Phil, (whom I still call Robin) who has also battled this terrible disease. I have a lot of friends who are grieving over the loss of a loved one, And many of my friends are dealing with parents who are suffering with dementia. Let us hold each other up in prayer, but also with calls of encouragement, or any other help you can offer.

There will be a second part to this, another story about - well I will let it be a surprise.


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