Bank Robbery - part 2
Shoplifting, oh dear you might start to think this is a family trait.
I was in the fourth grade, I had recently gone to live with just my mother and attend a new school. Parkway for you locals, which sadly has been torn down. It was a wonderful neighborhood full of families with children, heaven for an only child.
There was a candy store we all called Red's at one end of our division and tennis courts and a drug store on the other end. The drug store was called Salvins and it had a soda fountain inside. I had ice cream there once when my Uncle Clifford gave us some money. But you could get a Popsicle at Reds for seven cents and share it with a friend.
I have a cousin (you know who you are) and she has been my nemesis most of our lives until after high school, which we attended together. She is six months younger than I and from the time she learned to walk our relationship was toy snatching, shoving, hair pulling, sand in the mouth, bad mouthing,, and that was all her of course. I was an angel. Well, maybe not.
One time she came to spend the night - it must have been our mothers' idea. I think they traded off to get a break. Anyway, we were about 9 or 10 and she double dared me. Yep, she double dared me to steal something at Salvins Drug Store. I had no choice. I went in alone and wandered the aisles trying to decide what I should take. I nervously grabbed my chosen item with sweaty hands and rushed out of the store. Eagerly she asked me if I had done it. I showed her my "prize"
I don't even know if I should tell you what I took. It was a tiny metal ring that slides on a pencil so you can hook it to a pocket protector (if you are old enough to know what that is). I believe they cost about 2 cents.
The Nemesis immediately says,
"I'm telling on you". See what I mean? She was constantly getting me in trouble. There was nothing to do but return the stolen goods. I went back in the store, sweating more than a summer day warranted. I was more afraid of being caught as I returned the item than when I took it. Fortunately the mission was a success. It was my last foray into a life of crime.
Galatians 6:4
Each should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves lone without comparing themselves to someone else.
Matthew 16:27
For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, but each of them had a choice. Eve chose to listen to the serpent and take action she knew was forbidden, and Adam listened to Eve and made a choice to disobey God.
Ultimately we will all have to answer for our choices. There will be no finger pointing accepted.
Side Note: My cousin grew up, had a successful career in the medical field and is now a doting grandmother.
I grew up and had an exciting adventurous crime free life.
I was in the fourth grade, I had recently gone to live with just my mother and attend a new school. Parkway for you locals, which sadly has been torn down. It was a wonderful neighborhood full of families with children, heaven for an only child.
There was a candy store we all called Red's at one end of our division and tennis courts and a drug store on the other end. The drug store was called Salvins and it had a soda fountain inside. I had ice cream there once when my Uncle Clifford gave us some money. But you could get a Popsicle at Reds for seven cents and share it with a friend.
I have a cousin (you know who you are) and she has been my nemesis most of our lives until after high school, which we attended together. She is six months younger than I and from the time she learned to walk our relationship was toy snatching, shoving, hair pulling, sand in the mouth, bad mouthing,, and that was all her of course. I was an angel. Well, maybe not.
One time she came to spend the night - it must have been our mothers' idea. I think they traded off to get a break. Anyway, we were about 9 or 10 and she double dared me. Yep, she double dared me to steal something at Salvins Drug Store. I had no choice. I went in alone and wandered the aisles trying to decide what I should take. I nervously grabbed my chosen item with sweaty hands and rushed out of the store. Eagerly she asked me if I had done it. I showed her my "prize"
I don't even know if I should tell you what I took. It was a tiny metal ring that slides on a pencil so you can hook it to a pocket protector (if you are old enough to know what that is). I believe they cost about 2 cents.
The Nemesis immediately says,
"I'm telling on you". See what I mean? She was constantly getting me in trouble. There was nothing to do but return the stolen goods. I went back in the store, sweating more than a summer day warranted. I was more afraid of being caught as I returned the item than when I took it. Fortunately the mission was a success. It was my last foray into a life of crime.
Galatians 6:4
Each should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves lone without comparing themselves to someone else.
Matthew 16:27
For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, but each of them had a choice. Eve chose to listen to the serpent and take action she knew was forbidden, and Adam listened to Eve and made a choice to disobey God.
Ultimately we will all have to answer for our choices. There will be no finger pointing accepted.
Side Note: My cousin grew up, had a successful career in the medical field and is now a doting grandmother.
I grew up and had an exciting adventurous crime free life.
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