A story about a man named Jed, uh Jeremiah.
Gonna tell you a story bout a man named Jed...I bet you sang the next line ...A poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed.. Actually the man I want to talk about is not named Jed. He is called Jeremiah. Once upon a time there was a nation, a mighty nation. It had 5 rulers over a 42 year period. Kind of like two term presidents. The first fellow was named Josiah in the 1620's and he wasn't too bad a fellow. But each one after him was wicked. So along comes Jed - I mean Jeremiah and he hears God talking to him. God tells him that he knew him even before he was in his mothers womb and that even back then he had chosen him to be a prophet. Jeremiah isn't all that happy to hear that, probably like some of us when we get a call to do something that requires sacrifice, like teach Sunday School or sing in the choir. So he says, "Who me? I am too young to know what to say!" But just like an earthly father Heavenly Father has an answer. "Don't say that. ...