Plague and Pestilence in Modern Times.

     Several years ago I began writing a book. It was about the life of a small group of people post pandemic. Actually I started two books with different characters and circumstances. Several hundred pages into the first one I realized it was totally ridiculous and the second one only slightly less so.  I finished neither. Not a surprise since I have a life time of half finished projects behind me. 

     So here we are, 8 years later in a real life pandemic. I have not buried bodies or searched houses for food and medication or journeyed hundreds of miles on foot. This is not pandemic of the deadly proportions I had imagined. 

     It is serious enough to make me postpone a visit to my newborn grandchild. I coughed this morning and I felt hot. I am in Florida where it is 90 degrees today. Paranoia. I was going to leave here, my husband already has headed north. Here, I am all alone. I am a danger to no one and no one is a danger to me. I speak to neighbors. Most of them will be leaving here soon and traveling back to their summer homes. 
     I don't have any real fear of this illness. I have 12 rolls of toilet paper and a supply of canned and frozen foods and potato chips and dip. I like to read, play on my tablet, paint and do needlework.

     Pandemics are nothing new. Plagues are mentioned numerous times in the Bible, at least 100. Of course most of us are familiar with "The Big Ten" that occurred when Moses wanted to lead his people out of Egypt. And we know there will be future, horrible ones predicted by John in the book of Revelation.

     As Christians we are not promised an immunity to diseases, or death. You can wear a face mask and gloves. You can isolate yourself. But as a Christian you have a much better protection. We don't have a promise FROM something but the promise TO something.  That is the promise of eternal life. 

     In Luke 21 Jesus speaks of coming events. We see them on the news. Earthquakes, famine, terrors, and persecution of Christians. He also assures us in verses 18 and 19 that not a hair on our heads will perish. By our endurance (that is our continued belief) we will gain our lives. He is of course speaking of our eternal life.

     By all means my beloved family and friends, stay healthy. Take precautions, like eating healthy and washing your hands, and stay away from those who are possibly ill. But you can still call people and check on them. Offer to pray with them. Share what you can with others. Post positive messages. Stay busy with constructive things. You have plenty of time for that neglected Bible Study and hours to spend in prayer.  

Soon this will pass and we will learn. We will learn to be more prepared. I hope we will also learn that  the only thing we can really depend on is our faith in God.


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